Let´s create and enjoy together
All of your favorite cocktail can be made using our all new Cocktail Mixers, so we are going to show you some examples so you can experiment on yuur own, and unleash their true potential.
No Sugar No Calories, No Carbs. What more can you ask for.
Cranberry Raspberry
Sea Breeze:
1 1/2 oz Vodka.
4 oz San Roque´s Cranberry Rasberry Mixer
Long Beach Ice Tea:
1/2 oz Gin
1/2 oz light rum
1/2 oz tequila
1/oz vodka
3 oz San Roque´s Cranberry Rasberry Mixer
Cranberry Ginger Shandy
1 1/2 Cup San Roque´s Cranberry Rasberry Mixer
1 San Roque Ginger Beer
2 San Roque Becker Beer

Coconut and Lime:
1 1/2 oz White Rum.
1 oz Lime Juice.
4 oz San Roque´s Cocunut Mixer
Coconut an Cacique
2 oz Cacique
1 Bottle of San Roque´s Cocunut Mixer
Ginger Ale and Mint
Sea Breeze:
1 1/2 oz Vodka.
4 oz San Roque´s Cranberry Rasberry Mixer
Long Beach Ice Tea:
1/2 oz Gin
1/2 oz light rum
1/2 oz tequila
1/oz vodka
3 oz San Roque´s Cranberry Rasberry Mixer
Cranberry Ginger Shandy
1 1/2 Cup San Roque´s Cranberry Rasberry Mixer
1 San Roque Ginger Beer
2 San Roque Becker Beer

Tonic Water
Create the best cocktails as you want them don´t worry about sugar or calories.
Craft Cola
Experience the taste of a craft cola, without the concern for Sugar or Calories.

Ginger Beer
Enjoy making all sorts of Cocktails with our Ginger beer, no sugar no calories.